Sample Folio and Title Plan (Maps)
The Irish Land Register is one of the most advanced land registers in Europe. The Register is fully computerised and all registered land parcels are digitised. The Register consists of textual and spatial information (folios and maps). The registered land in each county is divided into folios, one for each individual ownership or title. Each folio is numbered sequentially within the county division. Samples of Folios and maps are shown below.
Land Registry Folio
The folio is typically a 4 page document containing detailed property information.
The folio is conclusive evidence of title to property and any right, privilege, appurtenance or burden appearing thereon. The title shown on the folio is guaranteed by the State which is bound to indemnify any person who suffers loss through a mistake made by the Land Registry.
Ownership details, mortgages, wayleaves, rights of way, turf cutting rights, seaweed rights.
Delivery is by email in pdf format.
The folio can be purchased on its own or with the associated map.
Folios for apartments should be purchased without the detailed map.
To view a pdf sample of this folio click here
Land Registry Map
Detailed property information.
Maps include A4 layout plan (NTS) and ID map showing boundaries and Ordnance Survey Detail.
Neighbouring boundaries are also shown, detailes of wayleaves, rights of way, turf cutting rights etc are also shown.
Delivery is by email in pdf format.
To view a pdf sample of this map click here.