Frequently Asked Questions
1. What information is available in the Land Registry?
Names Index: A record of the names and addresses of every Registered Owner.
The index is kept in respect of each county and shows the folio number(s) corresponding to the name.
Folio: This is a part of the register with its own distinct number on which details of the property, its ownership and any burdens affecting it appear.
Map: Original Ordnance Survey and other maps with all registered property delineated thereon are maintained in the Registry.
Instrument: When a Dealing is finally completed, the title documents retained here are called Instruments. They bear the number which they were given when they were lodged as Dealings e.g. D2002WS005555X.
2. Land Registry Searches:Who is entitled to inspect documents?
Names Index, folio and map can be inspected by anyone on payment of the prescribed fee.
Any person entitled to inspect a document filed in the Registry may obtain a copy of it. Entitled People include property owners.
3. What information is available on a folio?
There are three parts to a folio. Part 1 provides the details of the property. These include description, location, land registry plan reference and also any rights that would attach to the property. The area of the property is usually shown. Details of property transferred from the folio are also contained in Part 1. Part 2 contains details of the registered owners and the quality of the title and would also include any cautions or inhibitions registered against the property. Part 3 contains details of all burdens registered against the property. These would include mortgages, rights of way, fishing and sporting rights etc.
4. How do I obtain a copy of a folio and/or map?
A plain copy of a folio can be ordered through the online form. This costs €18 per folio and €28 for the folio and detailed map. Certified copy folios with maps (title plans) can be ordered by the same method and the fee for this is €89.
5. How long does it take for a certified copy folio and/or title plan to issue?
All folios issue within a few hours of the application. This also applies for approximately 80%of copy folio and title plan applications. Certified copies usually issue within 24 hours, if there is no existing title plan prepared or if there are pending applications that affect the map, this will lead to a delay in the map issuing. The delay can vary from a couple of days up to months, depending on the circumstances.
6. I have a dispute with my neighbour over where the boundary lies. Can you tell me who is right?
No. The Land Registry map is an index map and identifies property, not boundaries. Therefore, the land registry are not in a position to advise.
7. I am applying for planning permission. Do I need to contact the Land Registry?
No. The Land Registry is not involved in the planning process. Folio and maps are suitable for proof of ownership documents to be lodged with a planning application, but the map is not suitable for other planning purposes.
8. What do the different stages of registration mean?
Application Pre-Lodged:
Application entered on system by solicitor but not yet lodged for registration
Awaiting Attention: Application received but documents not yet assessed. Application may still be rejected
For Further Attention: Used when dealing has been assessed and where no other status is applicable
To be Mapped: Awaiting the preparation of a new map
Mapped: Mapping stage completed. Awaiting the drafting of a new folio
Mapping Query: Query issued in relation to the mapping of the application
Queried: Query issued by dealing section
To be Printed: For copy map and copy folio applications only. Awaiting printing and issue
Completed: Application completed
Abandoned: Documents returned, unable to proceed with registration
Withdrawn: Documents returned at request of lodging party
Refused: Application refused and documents returned
Transferred: Documents lodged transferred to another application
Rejected: Documents returned, as not in order
9. What is the difference between the Land Registry and the Registry of Deeds?
There are two separate systems for recording transactions in relation to property in Ireland:
• The Registry of Deeds system operated by the Registry of Deeds.
• The Registration of Title system operated by the Land Registry.
Both systems are under the control and management of the Property Registration Authority. For administrative purposes both Registries form part of the Property Registration Authority. The two systems are mutually exclusive in the sense that in a particular transaction relating to land the title will be either:
• “unregistered” (i.e. the title is not yet registered in the Land Registry and so the Registry of Deeds system applies) or
• “registered” (i.e. the title has been registered in the Land Registry and so the Registry of Deeds system is irrelevant)
Approximately 92% of the land in Ireland is registered which represents 87% of titles. The primary function of the Registry of Deeds system is to provide a system of recording the existence of deeds and conveyances affecting unregistered property. A failure to register may result in that document losing priority to a subsequent document which is registered. A search in the Registry of Deeds will disclose only whether documents have been executed dealing with the land in question – to discover the effect of these documents, the documents themselves (which are not retained by the Registry of Deeds) will have to be examined.
When a title is accepted for registration in the Land Registry the original title documents are retained and permanently filed. A folio is opened in respect of the property and generally it is not necessary to refer to the original title documents again. A certified copy of this folio can be obtained with or without a copy of the map outlining the property.
The title shown on the folio is guaranteed by the State which is bound to indemnify any person who suffers loss through a mistake made by the Land Registry. A purchaser can, therefore, accept the folio as evidence of title without having to read the relevant deeds.
10. When is it compulsory to register property?
Any unregistered property purchased in the state after 1 June 2011 is subject to compulsory first registration
Registration is compulsory in the following cases:
- Land bought under the Land Purchase Acts.
- Land acquired after 1st January 1967 by a statutory authority.
- Land sold in counties Carlow, Meath, Laois from 1 January 1970.
- Land sold in counties Westmeath, Longford and Roscommon from 1 April 2006.
- From 1st October 2008, compulsory registration is extended to six additional counties, Clare, Kilkenny, Louth, Sligo, Wexford and Wicklow (S.I. 81 of 2008).
- With effect from 1 January 2010, compulsory registration is extended to the following additional counties; Cavan, Donegal, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Leitrim, Limerick, Mayo, Monaghan, North Tipperary, Offaly, South Tipperary and Waterford and cities Galway, Limerick and Waterford [as defined in Section 10 of the Local Government Act 2001] (S.I. 176 of 2009).
- From 1 June 2011, compulsory registration is extended to the cities and counties of Cork and Dublin S.I. 516 of 2010).
1. How do I find out if my property is registered?
Make an application on www.landregistryireland.com for free assessment of the status of your land.
2. I have a dispute with my neighbour over where the boundary lies. Can you tell me who is right?
No. The Land Registry map is an index map and identifies property, not boundaries. Therefore, we are not in a position to advise.
3. Can I measure my boundary precisely from the map?
It is not possible even when using the highest order of survey techniques to achieve perfect accuracy when drawing/digitising features on a map. OSI maps are therefore subject to accuracy limitations. This means that scaled measurements between features shown on the map may not exactly match the actual distance measured between the same features on the ground. Different levels of accuracy apply depending upon the scale of the map and the original method used to create it. Vector data for use in autocad, gis or google earth can be purchased by contacting sales@landregistryireland.com
4. Can an Ordnance Survey Ireland map indicate where my legal boundary is?
No. Ordnance Survey Ireland mapping does not depict legal property boundaries nor do the osi attempt to show property ownership on their mapping.
OSI only show the existence of physical features on the ground at the time of survey, which are surveyed to Ordnance Survey Ireland specification and accuracy standards. Although some property boundaries may be coincident with surveyed map features, no assumptions should be made in these instances.
Physical features on the ground change over time, and for this reason, Ordnance Survey Ireland has a continuous mapping revision programme. In the event that there are changes to the physical features on the ground, this may involve our surveyors visiting your property so that the mapping can be updated and amended. However, such revision will not affect legal land ownership and title deeds of a property and registered title will not change unless authorised by the Property Registration Authority.
5. What feature does the line on the OSI map represent?
Ordnance Survey Ireland maps use the same line symbol for a wall, fence, hedge, bank, ditch and stream. Where many features are represented in close proximity it may not be possible to represent them all at the scale of the mapping and it may not be obvious from the map which feature the line represents.
Even if a correct interpretation of the map can be made, the line on the map may not be the legal boundary. It is the position of the actual feature on the ground, not the position of the line on the map that is important in attempting to trace the position of the boundary.
Accurate analysis of the OSI map can usually only be achieved by taking the map onto the site and comparing it with the features on the ground. This can help decide what has been shown, what has been omitted for the sake of clarity or because the map scale does not allow multiple features in close proximity to be shown.
6. There is a fence and a wall next to each other and only one line is shown on the map, why is this?
Where a fence, hedge or wall runs approximately parallel to another feature and so close that they cannot both be plotted correctly at the scale of survey, then only one feature is shown.
7. I believe Ordnance Survey Ireland’s mapping of my property is incorrect, can I arrange for a surveyor to come out and amend the mapping?
Ordnance Survey Ireland welcomes all customer feedback about the content and accuracy of our mapping. We understand that there may be a delay between changes taking place on the ground and when we are able to capture them within our continuous mapping revision programme. Any issues relating to the content or accuracy of our mapping that fall within our specification will normally be investigated at the next revision of the mapping for the area. For our large scale products the following revision cycles may be informative:
- For Urban and Suburban areas i.e. all 1:1,000 and some 1:2,500 plans, a one year revision cycle is established.
- For Periurban areas i.e. all other 1:2,500 plans, a three year cycle is established.
- For Rural areas i.e. all 1:5,000 plans, a five year revision cycle is established.
8. I feel that a feature is incorrectly shown on the OSI map; can you tell me why it is represented this way?
Unfortunately Ordnance Survey Ireland does not keep records or surveyors’ notes of site visits. The map becomes the only record kept. The OSI unable to comment on the detail of specific features shown on the mapping or provide reasons why or how a feature is shown on the map. The OSI provide a feedback form on their site where comments can be made with a location identifier.