PRAI Compliant Maps
Land Registry Compliant Maps
Compulsory registration of title in the Land Registry has been extended to all counties in Ireland as of 1 June 2011.
As of 1 June 2011 on the sale of “unregistered” freehold land or on the grant or sale of “unregistered” leasehold land, solicitors for the purchasers must apply for first registration of the title in the Land Registry in accordance with the Property Registration Authority rules. The impact of this for sellers of unregistered land will be that: They will need to hold a Land Registry Map of the property which is in compliance with Property Registration Authority mapping requirements.
For the production of Land Registry Compliant maps for first registration, land transfer, rights of way, wayleaves etc we have partnered with 'Property Maps Ireland' so visit for more information and to request a map or fill out the form on this page for more information.
To order a fully PRAI compliant marked up map, suitable for registration, delivery by post and email. Boundaries are established through correspondence and coincidence with Ordnance Survey Vector Data. Marked up maps are available on request starting at €150.
To contact Property Maps Ireland please feel free to request more information using the form.