We offer a complete Land Registry service, including the main official Title Deeds, i.e. the Title Register, Title Plan and Registered Deeds, index maps, boundary disputes, finding ownership of properties with no postal address, and so on. Our service to you is efficient, professional, comprehensive and affordable.
Our paramount business objective is to provide a first class, professional title deed service. To this end we employ specialised IT staff to continually update and improve our web site and a Customer Services section who will provide advice and assistance by telephone and/or email during normal office hours.
As a general rule we are able to complete your instructions on the same day that we receive them (save during out of office hours when they will be dealt with on the morning of the next office day). In all cases we send to you a report/documents by email, you can then print them, save them to your hard drive and / or copy them.
Our refunds policy includes a 100% refund in cases where payment is made and for whatever reason Land Registry documents are not provided
In addition to Land Registry services we are also able to provide Company Searches and Environmental Searches, Planning Registers, Flooding searches etc.
Land Registration in Ireland
By international comparison, Ireland has a very extensive and well developed system of land registration. Since the foundation of the Land Registry in 1892, there has been a gradual, ongoing and continuous programme of movement away from the older and limited system of recording deeds (in the Registry of Deeds), to the more modern, flexible and comprehensive ‘title registration’ system provided through the Land Registry.
93% of the total land mass of the State and almost 90% of the legal titles in Ireland are now registered in the Land Registry. As the map below illustrates, almost all legal titles in several counties are now registered.
Much of the progress in recent years has been facilitated by the successful roll-out of a major programme of state of the art Information Technology, the most notable of which have been:
- Integrated Title Registration Information System – ITRIS – (1999-2002)
- Digital Mapping Project (2005-2010) and
- Conversion of the entire register and associated indices from paper into a fully digitised format (2006-2009)
As a result of these projects there are now 2.14 million titles, representing almost 2.8 million individual parcels of land, registered in the Irish Land Registry and an extensive programme is underway to advance the registration of the remaining titles. In fact, compulsory registration now applies to all counties.
Compulsory Registration
Registration in the Land Registry is compulsory in the following cases:
- Land bought under the Land Purchase Acts
- Land acquired after 1st January 1967 by a statutory authority
- Certain transactions* in relation to property located in the counties and cities listed in the table below:
*in the case of freehold land – conveyance on sale
*in the case of leasehold land – grant or assignment on sale
Land Registry Services
The Register
The Irish Land Register is one of the most advanced land registers in Europe. The Register is fully computerised and all registered land parcels are digitised. The Register consists of textual and spatial information (folios and maps). The registered land in each county is divided into folios, one for each individual ownership or title. Each folio is numbered sequentially within the county division.
Click to see a Sample Folio
The Register is conclusive evidence of title to property and any right, privilege, appurtenance or burden appearing thereon. The title shown on the folio is guaranteed by the State which is bound to indemnify any person who suffers loss through a mistake made by the Land Registry.
Maps (Title Plans)
Click to see a Sample Title Plan
The Land Registry operates a non-conclusive boundary system which means that the map does not indicate whether a boundary includes a hedge or wall or ditch etc. However, the physical features along which the boundaries run must be accurately identified.
The core business of the Land Registry involves examining applications for registration. We also supply evidence of title and a range of associated services. The fees for Land Registry services are set out in the “Land Registration (Fees) Order, 2012 (S.I. No. 380 of 2012)”
Certified Copy Folio/Title Plan
The folios and maps of the Register constitute a public record and any person may apply to inspect or obtain a copy folio/title plan, on payment of the appropriate fee.
- If you know the relevant folio number you can apply for a copy by completing the Application Form for Copy Folio or Application Form for Copy Folio/Title Plan showing appurtenant rights of way and/or other “special features”.
- If you don’t know the relevant folio number you can apply for a mapping search or names index search to be carried out.
Map search
Carrying out a mapping search will reveal if the property is registered in the Land Registry and will identify the relevant folio number.
Search by registered owner
To apply for a name search (fee €28):
If the result of a search indicates that the property is not registered in the Land Registry it may have been dealt with in the Registry of Deeds.
Film. 300 Years of Land Registration - From the Quill to the Electronic Age
The Property Registration Authority has produced a film as part of the celebrations of the Tercentenary of the Registry of Deeds in 2007.
This film, made in conjunction with Animo Productions and narrated by the renowned historian Dr. Diarmuid Ferriter, is entitled "300 Years of Land Registration - From the Quill to the Electronic Age".
Film length: 16 minutes
We are experts in Land Registry practice. Our customers can feel confident in our ability to obtain the information they seek.
All of our instructions are dealt with in the strictest of confidence.
We can obtain title deed information for all registered properties whether or not they are owned by you.
LandRegistryIreland.com ~ Phone: +353 1 254 8118 ~ Email: contact@landregistryireland.com